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How can I save more for my retirement?

By Texas Financial | September 6, 2018 | Comments Off on How can I save more for my retirement?

As we grow older and get closer to our expected retirement, we often look for ways to increase our savings to have better retirement income. There are several ways you…

What is a Medicare Advantage Plan and how can it affect my retirement?

By Texas Financial | August 30, 2018 |

A Medicare Advantage Plan is also known as Medicare Part C. Traditional “Original Medicare” is a list of benefits provided to you by Medicare. Most people receive Part A (hospital…

Many retired seniors want to travel… to the beach!

By Texas Financial | August 29, 2018 | Comments Off on Many retired seniors want to travel… to the beach!

One of the most popular ways to spend retirement is traveling. And one of the most popular types of destinations for today’s retired seniors is the beach. What’s the main…

Even older working households with a retirement plan aren’t saving enough

By Texas Financial | August 23, 2018 |

Every generation seems to enjoy pointing at the newest generation coming up behind them and saying, “Those kids today! They just don’t …” Today’s aging Baby Boomers are no different.…

What is Medigap insurance – and do I need it after I retire and have Medicare?

By Texas Financial | August 16, 2018 |

We all want to cut our expenses when we retire to help us have a comfortable standard of living on our more limited income. Generally, the last thing we want…

I thought Medicare was free! Why would I need to pay?

By Texas Financial | August 9, 2018 |

For most people, Medicare Part A comes at no cost after age 65. That’s because they have worked enough time (at least 40 quarters, 10 years total) while paying Medicare…

Why saving money isn’t all you need to do to get retirement right

By Texas Financial | August 2, 2018 |

If you asked people approaching their planned retirement age if they wish they had saved more in their earlier working years, almost all would say “yes.” Without a time machine,…

Which Millennials are failing to save for retirement?

By Texas Financial | July 25, 2018 |

For a variety of reasons, people have been saying that younger adults (Millennials, specifically) aren’t saving enough for their retirement. Some will say it’s the crushing debt from student loans…

Should you visit with a Financial Advisor or Planner?

By Texas Financial | July 23, 2018 |

Smart people know that sometimes they need to seek out expert opinions – because none of us is an expert in everything. As the person in charge of your finances,…

How long will you live in your retirement years?

By Texas Financial | July 22, 2018 |

According to The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, a person who retired at age 65 in 1970 could expect to live another 13 years during their retirement. They…

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